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AOCS invites you to make your plans early and register today to attend the 2018 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, May 6–9, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. The conference is recognized as a premier international science and business forum on fats, oils, surfactants, lipids and related materials.

With an extensive technical program that includes more than 650 oral and poster presentations and more than 1,400 attendees, the 2018 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo is a prime place for sharing ideas and knowledge, making new connections and having a lot of fun.

Hot Topic Symposia

3-MCPD and Glycidol Esters — What Now?

Monday, May 7

7:55 a.m.–10 a.m.

Organizers: Hans Christian Holm, Novozymes, Denmark; and Fabiola Dionisi, Nestlé, Switzerland

New legislation on 3-MCPD and Glycidol esters is under development in Europe, especially the palm oil processors must seek new technologies to minimize formation of these by-products.

Advancing Plant Proteins Along the Value Chain: Challenges and Opportunities

Monday, May 7

7:55 a.m.–10 a.m.

Organizers: Janitha Wanasundara, Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada; James D. House, University of Manitoba, Canada; Curtis Rempel, Canola Council of Canada, Canada; and Lisa Campbell, Canola Council of Canada, Canada

Consumers are demanding foods with higher contents of quality protein, particularly plant-based proteins. For decades, soy has been positioned as the primary plant-based protein, however consumers, and therefore industry, are seeking additional options. This Hot Topic Symposium will provide an opportunity to discuss the processes whereby soy established the primary market position for plant-based proteins and the lessons learned, followed by 3 presenting the challenges and opportunities for the introduction of alternative proteins, including those derived from canola, pulses and cereals. The session will conclude with a discussion of how changing consumer habits have affected the demand and acceptance of plant protein-based food.

Bridging the Gaps in a Diverse Workplace

Monday, May 7

7:55 a.m.–10 a.m.

Organizer: Leann Barden, RXBAR, USA

Sponsored by the AOCS Young Professionals' Common Interest Group

Each speaker will address an aspect of diversity and inclusion, whether it’s breaking barriers in a new role, promoting change from the top-down or bottom-up, and/or finding work/life balance in two-income households, particularly as young professionals struggle to launch both their careers and their families. This session recognizes the changes in AOCS membership/leadership composition since its inception in 1909 and the unique challenges facing this more diverse group; AOCS member companies are facing the same changes.

Healthy Oils: The New Functional Ingredient?

Monday, May 7

7:55 a.m.–10 a.m.

Organizer: Patricia Kearney, PMK Associates, Inc., USA

This session will provide a comprehensive look at how the latest changes in the scientific, consumer, regulatory, and business landscapes will impact the oilseed supply chain. The FDA has postponed the labeling regulation timetable to sync with USDA on GMO labeling regulations, and the National Academies of Science has recommended a newly designed framework for the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans that will determine how oil consumption is positioned in the American diet. New nutrition research is showing that healthy oils, and specific fatty acids, provide multiple benefits beyond heart health and now can help in the management of obesity and diabetes. The American Heart Association has also issued new Guidelines for Fats and Oils. In addition, consumers are also demanding clean labels, transparency, and sustainability in the foods they buy and the food chain and manufacturers are responding. This session will examine the evolving landscape for ingredient innovation, product development, brand messaging, and explore how major food companies can meet the growing demand for healthier, functional products.

Safety Aspects of Frying Oils: Academia and Industry Perspectives

Monday, May 7

7:55 a.m.–10 a.m.

Organizer: Diliara Iassonova, Cargill, Inc., USA

Recent global regulatory changes in requirements and recommendations regarding frying oil and fried food necessitates this symposium which will address global views on frying oils and different approaches to managing safety of the oils during frying. Presenters will summarize solutions to address new global regulatory requirements, and consumer focus of fried food safety.

Fat and Oils for Generations

Monday, May 7

10:05 a.m.–12:10 p.m.

Organizers: Serpil Metin, April Parker, Paul Smith and Jeff Fine; Cargill, Inc., USA

This session is aimed to discuss the consumer’s fat and oil choices in different geographies and their knowledge on health effects of fats and oils, nutritional needs of fats and oils during life span, offerings as well as approaches of food manufacturing companies to the customer needs.

Research and Technology Priorities for Fats and Oils from US Government and Industrial Perspectives

Monday, May 7

10:05 a.m.–12:10 p.m.

Organizers: Doug Hayes, Biosystems Engineering, University of Tennessee, USA; Deland Myers, Agriculture, Nutrition and Human Ecology, Prairie View A&M University, USA; and Sara Shinn, Food Science and Nutrition, California State University-Fresno, USA

Sponsored by the AOCS Professional Educators’ Common Interest Group

Program officers from US funding agencies will discuss research priorities of their respective agencies related to fats and oils science and technology and upcoming opportunities for extramural funding. Emerging grand challenges in lipids from an industrial perspective, including areas that may bridge collaborative research between academia, government laboratories, and industrial sectors, will also be discussed.

The Role of Medium-Chain Triglycerides and Ketones throughout the Lifespan

Monday, May 7

10:05 a.m.–12:10 p.m.

Organizers: Kaori Nakajima, The Nisshin OilliO Group, Ltd., Japan; and Kinya Tsuchiya, The Nisshin OilliO Group, Ltd., Japan

There is growing awareness of the importance of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) and their usefulness throughout the lifespan in health and disease. MCT oil is added to infant and follow-on formulas, nutritional foods for athletes, foods for surgical patients; foods for the elderly, for children and adults with malabsorption syndromes; foods for weight control and even for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This session will review the use of MCTs by focusing on how they help prevent and benefit AD, and coconut oil will be discussed regarding its properties that could ameliorate the effects of AD.

Olive Oil: Innovative Analytical Strategies to Guarantee Quality and Fight Fraud; Focus on the Advancements of the EU H2020 Project OLEUM

Monday, May 7

10:05 a.m.–12:10 p.m.

Organizers: Tullia Gallina Toschi, Università di Bologna, Italy; and Luisito Cercaci, Pompeian Inc., USA

Olive oils, especially extra virgin, represent a healthy source of diets, and possess unique sensory attributes, making them high value products. This fact, together with the lack of harmonized and efficient analytical methods for detecting some types of frauds, make olive oil one of the most popular targets for food adulteration.

The EU H2020 OLEUM project runs from 2016 to 2020 and aims to better guarantee olive oil (OO) quality and authenticity by improving detection and prevention of olive oil fraud. To solve these gaps, thus enhancing the competitiveness of the OO market both within and outside the EU, the project will develop innovative and revise existing analytical methods, share relevant results, and establish a wide community of institutions involved in the olive oil sector.

State of the Industry: Navigating a Post-PHO Landscape

Monday, May 7

10:05 a.m.–12:10 p.m.

Organizer: Avani Nadkarni, QUALISOY, USA and Callie Turgeon, QUALISOY, USA

Presenters in this session will discuss the state of the baking and frying industries in a post-partially hydrogenated oil (PHO) world. Discover current challenges facing these industries as well as consumer research on labeling products made with fully hydrogenated oil. Hear from experts in the field about the functionality testing results of various PHO alternatives. Finally, learn from a USDA research leader about the health impacts of high stability oils, including results from a recent clinical study.







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